The Sri Lanka ETA, or Electronic Travel Authorization, is an official authorization that allows eligible travelers to visit Sri Lanka for short stays for purposes such as tourism, business, or transit.
Sri Lanka’s new electronic visa system enables travelers to enter Sri Lanka via a fully electronic application process. With this authorization, there’s no need to visit the nearest Sri Lankan embassy.
The Sri Lanka Tourist ETA remains valid for 30 days upon arrival, allowing entry to Sri Lanka within 180 days from its issuance. This electronic visa permits double entry with a maximum cumulative stay of 30 days.
Currently, for Sri Lanka, a visa-free policy is in place for citizens of China, India, Indonesia, Russia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Japan. Except for these countries, a visa is mandatory for visiting Sri Lanka.
Albania | Andorra | Anguilla |
Antigua and Barbuda | Armenia | Australia |
Austria | Bahamas | Bangladesh |
Barbados | Belgium | Benin |
Bermuda | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Brazil |
Brunei Darussalam | Burkina Faso | Cambodia |
Canada | Cayman Islands | Chad |
Chile | Colombia | Cook Islands |
Costa Rica | Cuba | Czech Republic |
Denmark | Dominica | Ecuador |
El Salvador | Eritrea | Ethiopia |
Faroe Islands | Finland | Gambia |
Georgia | Greece | Grenada |
Guadeloupe | Guatemala | Haiti |
Honduras | Hungary | India |
Indonesia | Iraq | Israel |
Italy | Japan | Kazakhstan |
Kiribati | Kuwait | Lao |
Latvia | Lesotho | Liechtenstein |
Lithuania | Macao | Madagascar |
Malawi | Malta | Martinique |
Mauritania | Mayotte | Micronesia |
Moldova | Mongolia | Morocco |
Mozambique | Namibia | Nepal |
Netherlands | New Zealand | Niger |
Niue | Norway | Palau |
Panama | Paraguay | Philippines |
Poland | Puerto Rico | Reunion |
Romania | Rwanda | Saint Lucia |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | San Marino | Saudi Arabia |
Senegal | Slovakia | Solomon Islands |
Somalia | South Sudan | Suriname |
Swaziland | Switzerland | Tajikistan |
Tanzania | Timor-Leste | Tokelau |
Tonga | Tunisia | Turkmenistan |
Turks and Caicos Islands | Ukraine | United Kingdom |
United States | Uzbekistan | Venezuela |
Vietnam | Zambia | |
Algeria | Angola | |
Argentina | Aruba | |
Azerbaijan | Bahrain | |
Belarus | Belize | |
Bolivia | Botswana | |
Bulgaria | Burundi | |
Cape Verde | Central African Republic | |
China | Comoros | |
Croatia | Cyprus | |
Djibouti | Dominican Republic | |
Equatorial Guinea | Estonia | |
Fiji | France | |
Germany | Greenland | |
Guam | Guyana | |
Hong Kong | Iceland | |
Iran | Ireland | |
Jamaica | Jordan | |
Korea | Kyrgyzstan | |
Lebanon | Libya | |
Luxembourg | Macedonia | |
Malaysia | Marshall Islands | |
Mauritius | Mexico | |
Monaco | Montenegro | |
Myanmar | Nauru | |
New Caledonia | Nicaragua | |
Norfolk Island | Oman | |
Papua New Guinea | Peru | |
Portugal | Qatar | |
Russia | Saint Kitts and Nevis | |
Samoa | São Tomé and Príncipe | |
Serbia | Slovenia | |
South Africa | Spain | |
Sweden | Taiwan | |
Thailand | Togo | |
Trinidad and Tobago | Turkey | |
Tuvalu | United Arab Emirates | |
Uruguay | Vanuatu | |
Yemen | Zimbabwe |
Yes. Even for short period at airport, you need to get visa for Sri Lanka.
We’ll keep you informed with updates via email, ensuring you stay up-to-date on everything.
Act quickly: Contact our customer support team as soon as possible.
Review process: While our experts review all applications before submission, changes might not be possible once it’s sent to the Sri Lanka government.
At Evisaplanet, we carefully review your application and documents to maximize its success and ensure compliance with government regulations. The final decision ultimately rests with the Sri Lanka government.
However In case of rejection, you are eligible for a partial refund of the processing fee (excluding government fees).
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